Scattergories Lists
Print some of our Scattergories lists. We LOVE to play the categories game, AKA Scattergories, at family game nights, during the holidays, or just whenever!
Free Printable Scattergories Lists
We are always looking for new Scattergories lists to play the categories game with, so we made our own! Go ahead and use these next time you want to play.
What is Scattergories?
Scattergories is a word game where everyone playing tries to think up creative answers that no one else will write down. We also call it the Categories game. Each Scattergories list has a list of categories, and then you choose a letter of the alphabet which all answers have to start with. After a set amount of time to come up with answers, players read their answers to the categories aloud. Each player earns points for the answers that no one else has thought of.