I have been scouring the web for the most awesome cheap halloween costumes that can be put together in a day. Some of these costumes are on children and some on adults, but I don't think that dictates who can wear it. Go crazy!
Frida Kahlo via Oh Happy Day! | Oh Frida. Why are you so awesome?
Where's Waldo via Inhabitat | You can get the shirt and hat on Amazon, or just the hat if you already have a red and white striped shirt!
Bandits via Say Yes To Hoboken | Use the things almost all of us have in our closets. So simple!
Giraffe via All You | I am loving this use of posterboards and modpodge.
Barbershop Quartet via My Cakies | This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, and it would also be really fun for a group of adults. You can buy one of those cool hats here.
Gumball Machine via Country Living | I love that it's cardboard, paint and balloons! Talk about affordable.
Moonrise Kingdom via Buzzfeed | Toy binoculars & coontail cap on Amazon, the rest can easily be found at your house or in thrift stores.
70's B-Boys via Happiness and Lace aka me | Grab a track suit, borrow all your moms gold necklaces, find a cool afro wig (this one will do) sweatbands, and a boom box from the thrift store. Make a sweet mix tape with Run DMC on it to play while you carry the boom box around. This costume was so much fun.
Hot Air Balloon via Country Living | Another way to get creative with cardboard and balloons.
Fantastic Mr. Fox via Bits n' Bobs | These masks are DIY! Totally amazing.
Garth and Wayne via Huffington Post | This is an excellent last minute costume! You can get the hat here, but it would probably be cheaper to DIY it.
Silent Film Stars at Shrimp Salad Circus | This radness speaks for itself.
Breakfast of Champions via Makezine | Give me all the bacon and eggs you have.
Here come three "Up" inspired costumes. What can I say. I like the movie, and I like balloons.
Carl from Up via Huffington Post | This is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Up house costume via Creatively Christy | So cool!
Carl and Russell from Up via Mitch and Mickey | What a perfect father and son costume!
Napoleon and Pedro via Happy Hints | Just yes.
Nacho Libre via Happy Hints | Okay, I saved the best for last. This little Nacho Libre is too cute. You can get fly Lucha Libre masks on Amazon. My husband and I were Luchadors a couple years ago and it was super fun. Check out the details here.
I hope this helped you get your creative juices flowing! Halloween can be so fun with the right costume. Have a good idea or are you super proud of one of your past costumes? Tell us in the comments!
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