I have been meaning to share this DIY remedy for spot cleaning laundry f-o-r-e-v-e-r. It is amazingly easy, crazy effective, and best of all frugal! Plus, it only takes three ingredients!
Here's what you need:
-dish soap (preferably Palmolive)
-an empty container to hold your finished product
-measuring cup
All you do is mix your ingredients together using equal parts of each. For example, if you want to make a cup of solution, you will mix ⅓ cup dish soap, ⅓ cup ammonia and ⅓ cup water. To make the solution pictured, I put ¾ cup of each (using the funnel) strait into my empty spray bottle and shook it right up!
When using, spray right on the stain and toss it directly into the wash. No need to scrub or soak. You guys will love this stuff. I promise.
*Some fabrics that are really sensitive to color maybe affected by the scrub if they are left to sit. I have never had a problem with this, but I always spray my remover on my stains and stick it right in the wash!
Free Printable Laundry Cheat Sheet
I wonder if this works on carpets too. I have a mystery spot that I want out of my carpet. Stopping by from 36th Ave.
Angela @ angsays.wordpress.com
Amber Heidi
Thank you so much for this recipe! I've been looking for a homemade stain remover, I will be giving it a try :)
Heidi @ handmadefrenzy.blogspot.com
I'll have to try this out! My four year old is a messy boy, and this could come in handy!
Haha I can relate! I have to spot treat basically every single thing my two year old wears, so this is a staple for us!