Mascara usually lasts about three months for me, and then it gets super clumpy and I throw it away and open a new one. I never really thought about it til I saw this pin (the original pin doesn't link to a site) claiming that you could make your mascara last three times as long, and I realized what a waste it really was. So when it came time to get rid of my last bottle I tried it, and it really does work!
How to: Just add four or five drops of contact solution, saline solution or eye drops to clumpy mascara, stir and pump the mascara a couple of times with your wand and you're done. The first time I used it which was immediately after this it was a little watery/messy but the next day it was exactly the same consistency as the day I bought it! I am so excited because this is a money-saver! My bottle lasted another two or three months before it ran out. I have never ran out of mascara before! So now I get twice as much mascara out of one bottle. Phenomenal I tell you!
*There has been concern expressed that mascara should be thrown out after three months because there can potentially be bacteria building up. I personally am not prone to bacterial eye infections, and as such would rather not waste my mascara if it will not affect me in such a way. It is good to be aware of this if you are going to try it and of course if you are worried that you might get an infection, err on the safe side and chuck it!
Cynthia Hays
Those that keep putting up about the bacteria need to read the last section of her post! She did indeed warn those that are concerned to do what is best for them!! For those that are not prone to infections, this is a great tip!! Thank you!!
Risa Lorick
I just bought a multi purpose solution for soft contact lenses - says it cleans and disinfects - im assuming it may help with any bacteria. That being said, I used to get a sty infection regularly as a kid. My mom used a natural herb called eye bright and it would clear right up. She made a tea, cooled it and dipped in a clean cotton ball then squeezed a little in my eye. Now you can buy it in a tea bag form at health food stores. Actually you can drink the tea according to the package, but I used it for a sty my son got, like my mom did (cotton ball) and it worked very well.
Jessica @ Pretty Providence
Wow, thank you for sharing!
Michelle's Tasty Creations
Super tip! I too throw away mascara when it is dry or clumpy and I always KNOW there is more in the bottle. Now I can save myself some money because I always have saline around the house. Thanks so much for sharing this useful tip on Creative Thursday this week. Can't wait to see what you share next week. Have a great weekend.
Lori Orman
I just want to say thanks for the redbox info and also it's a sad day on the Internet when I can't simply post some money saving information without a ton of people harnessing u and saying your promoting stealing. I'm sorry lady. Your post was exactly what u sai a promotion code. Thank you for your info, I on the other hand thought it was amazing promotional news!! Thanks again!
Nice! I'll have to try it, I'm out of mascara!
Be careful doing this. One reason that it is recommended for you to discard mascara after three months is because of bacterial buildup. You don't want to get a sty our eye infection!
Thanks for sharing!! I know lots of people get infections from mascara but I never have
so this to me, is so great!! :)
I'm so excited to not need to buy mascara!
I second the comment about bacteria. Best to just toss after 3 months!
Neat trick! Thanks for sharing!
Neat trick! Thanks for sharing!
Neat trick! Thanks for sharing!
Neat trick! Thanks for sharing!