Have you heard of or wondered about Balance of Nature supplements? Or looked for Balance of Nature reviews but couldn't find much? Well, this post is for you. Gear up for everything you ever wanted to know about the Balance of Nature whole health system!
Note: I was given product to try out, with no promise that I would choose to write a post. Well, I decided to write this, and all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. This post includes affiliate links, so if you do decide to purchase using our discount code we receive a small percentage.

A few months ago we invited some friends over for dinner and the topic came around to health. At this point, our friend shared that he was taking Balance of Nature supplements and he thought that we might like them, too. Honestly, I was a little skeptical at first, because I don’t believe in quick and easy health solutions. It turns out, that isn’t really what Balance of Nature is at all.
We believe in eating healthy recipes like our super easy protein balls, the best EVER broccoli seasoning, healthy buffalo chicken bowls, or our spinach berry smoothie. Also in exercising regularly, and working hard to teach our picky eaters how to eat better.
Balance of Nature Review
After doing a little bit more research, I decided to try these products for myself, and I’m really glad I did. Below I will talk a bit about what Balance of Nature is, the pros and cons to the system, and why ultimately I choose to buy them.
Plus, we have a discount code for you guys if you decide to try out a whole health system for yourself.
Balance of Nature does not claim to cure or treat any disease, rather they are making it easier to get the vital nutrients fruits and vegetables provide us into our bodies so that our bodies can repair themselves.
The fruit and veggie capsules are made by a unique system of flash drying fruits and vegetables. Dr. Howard extensively researched “which fruits and vegetables, when combined, were most effective in 1) Strenthening your Immune System, 2) Cell Protection, and 3) DNA Repair and Apoptosis. Finally in 1997, tireless hours of research culminated in a unique formulation or 31 fruits and vegetables.” These vegetables are the same ones used in Balance of Natures capsules today.
Quote taken from Balance of Nature’s “From the Beginning” pamphlet.
Balance of Nature Pros and Cons
Now that you have a little background info, let’s get into the pros and cons.
- These products have no fillers, no extracts, no hormones, no preservatives, no isolates, no added sugar, no pesticides, no additives of any kind. They are 100% real nutrients from real fruits and veggies, period.
- The fiber and spice drink helps to maintain bowel health, ease constipation (without causing diarrhea), decreases inflammation, helps balance blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and can even lead to weight loss. For me, bowel health and a massive reduction in inflammation and bloating were the first things I noticed after I started the Balance of Nature supplements. My soreness after exercising also went way down.
- When you become a Preferred Customer (which is the cheapest way to buy products, and you can cancel anytime), the company assigns you a personal Health Coach who helps you create a plan to improve your health in three categories: physical, spiritual, and chemical. Once I knew I was going to write this post, I decided to go ahead with the health coaching. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to it, but I wanted to be able to speak to the full experience the company offers. It was actually a really positive experience. My coach asked about my health history and made a few recommendations on how I can get the most out of my products. Then, we set a goal in each category and set a follow up appointment. I hung up feeling motivated to improve my health, and follow through with my goals since I would have to report back at the next phone call. If health coaching is not something you are interested in, no one will pressure you, and you can always decide to make an appointment later on like I did.
- The products are completely safe for children or adults. I like to break open the capsules and add them to my kids food (especially for the ones too little to swallow these larger pills) – more on that below.
- Balance of Nature products are safe to cook with. You can add both the fiber or the veggie capsules into juices, smoothies, baked goods, etc.
- You cannot overdose, or misuse these products as they are 100% real produce.
- I have more energy, clearer skin, and a better ability to focus on the task at hand. I have NEVER been a morning person in my life, but now I am consistently getting up at 6:30 every day.
- They boost immune system. I have definitely noticed this as well, I haven’t been sick once since I started taking the Balance of Nature vitamins. I am really interested to see how this coming winter will go!
- The first con is expense. Obviously, the whole health system is not a small monthly expense. After feeling as good as I do while taking them, and knowing all the other good things going on internally that I can’t even measure, we have decided the money is worth it to us right now. There is also a 30 day money back guarantee if you want to try it and see how you feel.
- The fiber drink is gross. My kids still tease me about my face the first time I drank it, haha! I could hardly get it down. That being said, I hardly notice it at all now, and I drink it down no problem! My health coach said that lots of people like it better mixed with almond milk or apple juice, but I don’t prefer to drink my calories so I just stick with water. I love the results of the fiber drink now though, and don’t know if I could ever give it up. So, it is worth it, but don’t expect it to taste good.
- I wish the nutrition info said exactly what daily percentages of each nutrient was in each serving, but they don’t.
Balance of Nature
Real quickly, let’s talk a little bit about each component of the whole health system. I have a few tips I’ve learned that I would like to share.
Because I am in generally good health, my coach instructed me to take the regular dose. The normal dose is three veggie capsules and three fruit capsules each day along with the fiber drink.
You can easily increase this as needed. For example, I have asthma, so if that is acting up I would double my dose until the worst has passed.
Veggie Capsules
I prefer to simply swallow my veggie capsules with water. If you have trouble swallowing pills, they can also be added into any savory food, like an omelet, or our perfectly seasoned ground beef.
Also, my health coach told me that if I feel myself beginning to get sick or feeling sluggish, to make a broth of my veggie capsules by mixing them into hot water. I actually enjoyed them this way as well. It kind of tastes like a spicy spinach soup, but it was very soothing on my throat. Also, I do feel like I felt the positive side effects sooner this way.
Simply twist the capsules apart and tap them into your hot water.
Fruit Capsules
While I typically just swallow my fruit capsules as well (because, laziness), they taste a lot better. You can chew them up, or if you don't want to swallow the capsule you can empty them straight into your mouth. When taken this way, they kind of taste like fruit leather in powder form.
I also love emptying a few fruits into smoothies or applesauce for my kids. Here is one of our favorite smoothie bowl recipes if you need one!
Fiber and Spice
I mentioned earlier I didn't love the taste of the fiber and spice. However, I noticed it's positive results in my body quickly. I don't know if this is oversharing, but if you have loose stools this binds them. If you are constipated, it will fix that too. Basically, it just helps regulate you in either direction.
I also noticed pretty immediate positive effects when it comes to less bloating and less inflammation in my body. Guys, this stuff works wonders.
My friend Anna posted about another way she likes to take her fiber, in smoothie form! Check out her recipe here.
I drink mine in water once a day.
Balance of Nature Discount Code
If you do decide to give Balance of Nature a try, I would recommend purchasing the whole health system as a preferred customer. To become a preferred customer there is a one time fee of $24.95. However, it immediately makes the product $40 cheaper. You also get the added benefit of health coaching.
Under the preferred customer status your product is automatically shipped to you every 28 days. There are no contracts or minimums and you can pause, cancel or reschedule your shipments at any time without penalty.
Other options are, you can buy just fruits and veggies, or you can also buy just fiber and spice! So if you are only wanting to try out one or the other you can totally do that. Either way, it is cheapest to become a preferred member.
Use code PRETTYPROVIDENCE for 35% off your first order as a preferred customer! This will cover your preferred member status (plus some) so you can try it out for free! Click here to buy.
Remember, this code only works for preferred customer orders. This means the $24.99 (to become a preferred member) will be added to your total, but the discount will take the total price down to lower than one time retail pricing, and you can still cancel at any time.
Definitely the cheapest way to try these products out that I've ever seen.
If you're looking for another life-changing product for your family and you have kids in your life, please check out our review of the Gabb watch for kids!
I sincerely hope I was able to answer some questions for you, and you appreciated the Balance of Nature Pros and Cons! Good luck on your personal health journey, I wish you nothing but the best.
Interested in reading more reviews about Balance of Nature Supplements, check out this post, or this site.
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How to Get the Most out of Balance of Nature Supplements
- none
- 1 Balance of Nature Whole Health System
- Veggie Capsule TipsI prefer to simply swallow my veggie capsules with water. If you have trouble swallowing pills, they can also be added into any savory food, like an omelet. My health coach told me that if I feel myself beginning to get sick or feeling sluggish, to make a broth of my veggie capsules by mixing them into hot water. I actually enjoyed them this way as well. It kind of tastes like a spicy spinach soup, but it was very soothing on my throat. I do feel like I felt the positive side effects sooner this way.
- Fruit Capsule TipsWhile I typically just swallow my fruit capsules as well (because, laziness), they taste good. You can chew them up, or if you don't want to swallow the capsule you can empty them straight into your mouth. When taken this way, they kind of taste like fruit leather in powder form. I also love emptying a few fruits into smoothies or applesauce for my kids. Here is one of our favorite smoothie bowl recipes if you need one!
- Fiber and Spice TipsAt first I didn't like the taste of the fiber and spice. However, I noticed it's positive results in my body quickly. My health coach said that lots of people like it better mixed with almond milk or apple juice, but I don't prefer to drink my calories so I just stick with water. If you are having a hard time getting it down, try it with apple juice or almond milk and see if that helps!
- When do I take the supplements? To get the maximum energy boost take your fruits and veggies in the morning so you can feel the positive effects all day. To get the most out of your fiber and spice, take 1-2 scoops a half an hour before each meal.
Bryce B
Been taking for years. Love it.
Marilyn straw
Do I need to continue drinkning My Boost to get protein
Fred Marozzi
The product is a fraud. By it's own nutrition lable (Supplement Facts) the only nutrient listed is LESS THAN 1 percent carbohydrate. There is no vitamin or mineral content. Not surprising since fruits and vegitab;es loose most or all their vitamin content when cooked. This is even more the case when they are dried or freeze dried. This post is listed as an Honest Review. It's nothing but the same hype put out in their endless and unbelievabe testimonials .
Sara Yarick
The fiber and spice is the best. It was a miracle for me. I am 80 and finally have a great working system with one spoonful in water every nite before bed. However; when I received the jar it was not full. The level of product was a little more than half. This is an expensive product and you should send a full container. Please respond..
My experience with Balance of Nature has been fantastic! I can report more energy that lasts me throughout the day. The Fiber drink (does taste gross) but it helped make me regular and reduced inflammation by a lot. The impact on my health has been very evident and well worth the cost. My mom has also been using the products. She reports quite a bit more energy. More than anything else, her joints don't hurt anymore. She is 66 years old and loving the products.
I decided to give it a try for the extra nutrition. 60 days into taking these supplements and now I suffer from: headaches, mood swings, thinning hair, enlarged thyroid, sleep deprivation, rosacea, and more. It really says a lot when you take 3 sleeping pills just to fall asleep & stay asleep. In the event you are wondering I didnt have sleep issues prior to this. No one should eat cruciferous & oxalate veggies every single day along with soy. Men especially shouldnt take this as soy is estrogenic. I will be reaching out to the Better Business Burearu. In the meantime I will be apoligizing to my family for bringing this in our house thinking it was helpful. My symptoms didnt show until after 45 days, it was a gradual buildup.